About Us
Cypher Software is the brainchild of two California attorneys, Carrie O’ Connor and Joseph Telezinski. Ms. O’Connor holds the Certified School Risk Manager (CSRM) professional designation, giving her further insight into risk management issues. Mr. Telezinski holds the Medicare Set-Aside Consultant Certified (MSCC) professional designation, providing added value to clients with additional expertise in this increasingly important area. In 2005, O’Connor * Telezinski opened its doors and 85% of their clientele has been California public school districts. The firm makes it their priority to navigate districts through the issues, to protect and defend their interests, and to provide incomparable service via frequent communication and thoughtful analysis, including highly innovative ideas for settlement and creative approaches to settlement. It was through these cases over the last three decades in practice, they found that there were no good software products at an affordable price to manage cases and track leaves that school districts encounter. So, they decided to give back to clients they love. Thus, CYPHER was born.